Tag: Dometic

  • Battery Pack Not Charging from 12VDC

    Saturday I took a little time to look at the 12VDC issues.  Dometic PLB40 Battery Pack: Not charging from DC: The fuse in the DC charging cable for the Dometic turned out to be fine.  When I check continuity through the cable the positive was fine, but the negative was open.  I found the side…

  • Dometic PLB40 Battery Pack

    This morning I had a pleasant surprise.  Dometic followed up with me on the fuse.  A different rep said she confirmed with their Tech Rep that the fuse should be a Slow Blow fuse.  I’m going to continue with the one I have and will carry spares, but when it’s time to get more, I…

  • Dometic, Air Bag Light, Front Differential Locker and Cover

    Dometic PLB40 Battery Back I heard back from Dometic this morning.  The rep could not find the information on whether this fuse is a slow blow or fast blow. She said they do not sell that 10A fuse.  I would have to buy the entire 12VDC charging cable, part number 9600024813.  I found this at…

  • Dometic PLB40 Battery Pack Provides My 12V Power

    The Dometic PLB40 battery pack has been in my gear since February of 2020.  So, a little over a year and a half.  It has solved a couple of power management problems for me.  1) Power my ARB fridge at all times without relying on the Jeep being running.  2) Provided extra USB device charging…